Friday, May 28, 2021

Grave of the Fireflies: Sprint 8

 As summer kicks off, this semester I am focusing on the rigs for the scene, as well as some materials and effects.

Here is my schedule for the semester:

As the character game-res meshes are ready, I am updating the rigs with the new models and painting skin weights. During this sprint, I finished updating the Setsuko rig. The Seita rig will be completed by June 29th, dependent on when the game res model is done being optimized.

Rigs currently have proxy geometry from decimated ZBrush sculpts.

Setsuko rig has been updated with new model, and weights painted.

We want to have the swing rigged so it can be animated, currently, it is only a static mesh. the rig will be done by July 6.
The swing in the scene is currently a proxy static mesh.

We have several assets like  tree trunks, so I will create a wood smart material by June 15.
One of the assets that need a wooden material.

Finally, the different character poses just pop in and out of the scene in the sequencer. I will set up a material-based dissolve effect for the characters to appear/disappear, with parameters that can be animated in the sequencer by June 7.

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Grave of the Fireflies: Sprint 12

 In this sprint, I helped create a new introductory level that precedes the main experience. I created the sequencer, adding in the introduc...